Thursday, January 3, 2008

Day 1

Today I finally saw London, central London that is. I slept in seeing as this was my first sleep in two days. We left the house around noon after having a homemade omelet with German cake and toast. We walked to Hampton train station (which is on Ashley road - took a pic for Ash) and made our way to central London.

We got off the train at Waterloo station and headed underground, marking my first ride on the Tube.

Our first stop, new Bond Street. We headed to a store to get one of Sabine's Christmas presents, a watch, refitted for her. After that we struggled through the crowd to Selfridges (the store Alan Rickman's character goes to in Love Actually). It is huge. Wait, no huge isn't the word, it's massive. The store was the size of an entire shopping mall with a a food court and all. Didn't buy anything cuz well it's damn expensive.

We left the crowds of Regent Street and walked over to Buckingham Palace. It's nice. It's big. Said what up to the Queen, doubt she heard, and kept going.

We grabbed a wrap for a late lunch at a place called Pret A Manger. We both had the Jalapeño Chicken wrap which I can report contained absolutely no Jalapeños. We walked down to Piccadilly Circus and Leicester Square, where all the movie premieres take place. Then we strolled along the West End theatre district before finding a dinner place, Garfunkles - the only thing I wanted on the menu was the American Hot pizza. How typical. At which time I got my jalapeños and decided that pepperoni here tastes like bacon.

I fell out of love with London today. Maybe not love, maybe just wonder. I was getting on the tube and this gentleman out right pushed me. Felt like I ran into a wall, rather than bumped into someone. I'm told you're suppose to just push back on the tube, that it isn't rude, but I think there is a difference between navigating through a crowd and pushing and being rude. I found the latter today and didn't care for it. Maybe that's what people in New York City are like as well. Not something I'll stand for.

Before Dinner we had a reservation at the Absolute Ice Bar. That was an experience. For 24 bucks you can drink a vodka cocktail from a glass made of ice in a room made of ice, with tables, chairs, and booths made of ice.
It was quite the experience and we had fun taking pictures etc.

The parka they gave us to stay warm made me look huge though...

We ended the night with my first musical, Wicked. It was mesmerizing. I'm totally a supporter of the Wicked Witch Of The West. She rules. Must see again. We took the tube back to Richmond where Kamal picked us up and brought us home.

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