Thursday, January 3, 2008

Getting Home

We woke up very early, showered, and then I tagged along with Kamal to Tesco Express to get some croissants for breakfast. While I was there I decided to grab two packages of Cadbury biscuits one for the office and one for me. When we got back to the house I decided to take some pics of the house to show all my American friends how different it was.

From the front -

The Entry - The Kitchen -

The Refrigerator -
Harry Potter's Room -

After breakfast the four of us, Anna, Kamal, Sabine and I caught the bus to Heathrow. Their car wasn't large enough to fit two peoples luggage and four people. The bus ride was long and I was very uncomfortable. I felt bad about having so much luggage but I had to pack for summer in Texas and then winter in England. No win situation. Things got kind of hairy at the airport because Virgin didn't know anything about our connecting flight in NY to Nashville. We got through it though and headed to a lobby to wait until our plane started to board.

The flight to New York was long. I spent it watching
Waitress with Keri Russel (which I recommend), The Invasion (just cuz Daniel Craig is in it), and Harry Potter and The Order Of The Phoenix. Sabine and I weren't sitting together so we would get up and talk from time to time. At one point an announcement came on asking if any Doctors or Nurses were on board to please make themselves known. The commotion was at the back of the plane so I couldn't see what was going on. Sabine was back there though so when things settled down she told me what had happened. Apparently a girl had passed out and then started throwing up. It was apparently a big deal and once we landed they asked us to keep our seats until the medics could take her off the plane.

I got through immigration pretty easily, and waved to Sabine as she waited patiently in the non U.S. Citizen line. I waited at baggage claim for her and her immigration process actually took less time than the it took the bags to get there. We had some problems getting through customs because stupid people don't understand how to form lines and then rushed to the Delta terminal. This is where all hell broke loose. We got so damn angry. No one knew what to do. No on knew what we should do.

So Sabine and I split up she got in line at the ticket counter and I got in the security line. They let me through at the exact moment they gave Sabine a new boarding pass and informed her that the flight we thought we had 20 mins to catch was now an hour late.
We were livid.

We went to get some food and a beer, we were only allowed the beer and it was the size of the Sears Tower. Without and food, and only the beer, we both got rather drunk. So we decided some Burger King would sober us up. We made it to our plane, which we almost missed due to some more stupid people, and then sat on the tarmac for close to an hour, hour and a half.
We got home late, but Sabine's boyfriend Jesse was there to pick us up and take us home. I had never wanted my bed more.

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