Thursday, January 3, 2008

The Rest Of Day 4 And All Of Day 5

So we got ready to go out for New Year's Eve, my first by the way, and I wore a skirt and shirt that my mom got me before Christmas. I think I looked pretty good, straightened my hair and all! Our first stop of the night was Sabine's school friend, Sarah's house. The house was filled with new people, and some I had met at the Pub for Amy's birthday. Sarah's siblings Simon and Ruth were there, Anna and Rob were there for a bit, Sue and her boyfriend Lee, Maria (a new face for me), Jess and her boyfriend Sean and Sarah's friend Andrew. Jess was slaving away in the kitchen cooking up some Thai Curry so while we were waiting we sat around and they had me eat some English candy. We had a good talk about politics as well at which point I tried to explain the electoral college... man I shouldn't have fallen asleep in American Gov.

Jess was making two different types of curry - green, which was mild - and red, which was spicy. Since I hadn't tried curry before, ever, I thought I'd stick with green. Sarah came around to get our orders and her response to that was, "Oh you're American you haven't gotten any taste buds any way." Then after she brought it she kept asking if I need to add any sugar to it. I really liked the jokes though, they were all in good fun. I did have to keep reminding her I'm not a Yank... I'm a Damn Yank there is a difference.

As it got later we decided to head to a Pub, the name of which I can't remember. It had a decent crowd but not too bad. The bouncer was dressed in an interesting tux with a hat that looked like he stole from Abe Lincoln. We pretty much just spent the night talking and getting to know one another. Here are Sabine, Sue and Me.

Then Sabine, Maria, her cosmo, and me -
Jess, Sue, Lee and Sean -

Sarah, Me and Andrew -

I talked to Lee about the Greeks, Andrew about politics, Maria about wine, Sean about my name meaning Ireland (he's from Northern Ireland). Sarah and Ruth got a kick out of the fact that not only was I in a sorority but I was also a cheerleader, so there I was in the middle of the Pub doing cheers I can hardly remember. Then I attempted to teach them to line dance, note to self people don't pick up dance moves when they are buzzed!

Midnight came along and we all had some champagne and counted it down. Everyone clinked some glasses. Apparently Sabine told Sue about me heading out on my own my last day and before we left Sue came over to ask if she could go along. I don't know if that was Sabine having her take me out, or if it was Sue's idea, but I welcomed the company. At one Kamal came to get Sabine and me so we said our goodbyes and headed home. Good news is that I know have lots of new Facebook friends!

I woke the next morning at 9am and began to get ready to go out with Sue. She lives in Teddington which is only 2 train stops away from Hampton so I had planned to walk to Hampton station and just meet her at the Teddington station.

Kamal was so adorable, he insisted on giving me a ride to Hampton station so we left the house around 10. It's only down the road so we got there very early. He parked and walked me in to make sure that I got my ticket. I had a few minutes before the train got there so I walked down the street to a mailbox and sent my postcards. Then I rocked out to some music on my iPod while I waited for the train.

Sue had told me to get in the first carriage and that she would get in it as well when the train stopped. Sure enough I saw her on the platform and she got on with me. We decided that we would go to Camden first, then down to Buckingham Palace and Westminster Abbey, and then to Kensington.

We took the tube over to Camden to wander around and it was fabulous. I found my part of London I think, aside from the drug paraphernalia, I loved it. It reminded me so much of the Drag in Austin. I just felt at home. We wandered around the market and I saw so many things I wanted to buy but had to resist since the space in my suit case is limited.

The art work, the craftsmanship, the uniqueness of the people was so refreshing. I could have stayed there all day just soaking it in.

We took the tube to Green Park and walked by The Ritz on our way to Buckingham Palace. I wanted to go again because it was on the way and the first time around I hadn't seen the horse guards with the big hats and red coats. When we got to the Palace we overheard someone asking the police officer if the queen was actually staying there and he told her she was not. So I guess I was wrong earlier in the week. Unfortunately there weren't' any red coated horse guards on duty - only some gray suited ones way past the gate - I didn't even get to try my hand at making them move.... rip off.

Then we walked back to Westminster Abbey. The bells were ringing SO LOUD. We wanted to go in and look around but it was 10 ounds a person and I didn't really feel like paying so we just skipped it. Next time.

Then we headed to Kensington to get something to eat. Carluccio's Italian restaurant was the winner of the day for lunch. I loved it. I had the pasta e fagioli (which looked and tasted nothing like the soup of the same name at Olive Garden) and a small salad. It was quite good. Sue and I had some great conversations too. I loved the time I spent with her. At lunch I explained that this time last year I would have never thought I'd be in this place at this time. It really amazed me. I was sitting having lunch in London with a native so far away from my whole life.

After lunch we walked to the Natural History Museum. The building itself is absolutely wonderful.
So beautiful. We went to look at the dinosaurs but there was a queue so we decided to move on and checked out mammals, including the huge blue whale, then on to reptiles and such, and on to Darwin.
Lastly there was a huge more than 1000 year old sample of a tree from California, made me happy to not be the only American in the room, yeah yeah bad joke.

Next we headed to the Victoria & Albert art museum and look at the artifacts from throughout the centuries. We stayed primarily at the Cast Courts and then Renaissance time period things. We started to get tired so we didn't stay too long. We then walked to Royal Albert Hall - which just from the outside was magnificent.

After all that was done we headed back to Sue's flat. We took the tube to Richmond and then hopped a train to Teddington. We walked down the High Street to her flat which is the outer buildings of a Church that had been converted to a music venue. I loved her flat. She and her bf have more CDs than I do - that is outrageous. I must send her something in thanks. Sue made me my very first cup of tea which I had with some of the best chocolate biscuits. It was divine. Sabine came over and we tried to check in to our flights - but to no avail so we just checked Facebook and saw pics that ppl had posted from New Years Eve.

We stayed just a bit longer chatting with Sue before Kamal was there to pick us up to go home. We came home the wonderful aroma of Indian Curry cooking. It was delicious. Anna is such a wonderful cook it was such a wonderful treat. I had never had it before and really enjoyed it. Now I am all packed up and am sitting here watching Sabine and Anna pack her things.

I hope to get up early enough to run to the grocery store and get some biscuits to bring home tomorrow morning!

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